How Cisco and Wipro are Improving the Airport Experience

The airport experience can be hectic, overwhelming, and stressful. Travelers are navigating long security lines, struggling to arrive at their gate on time, and enduring inevitable flight delays that can make for an unrelaxing start to vacation. Furthermore, as we head into the holiday season, airports across the globe are bracing for the last month of 2023 to be the busiest ever.

Travelers understand and expect this chaos. They know that they will be spending a significant amount of time in the airport before and between their flights, which begs the question: How can airport operators create the most enjoyable experience for passengers in their airport?

Exceeding air travelers’ expectations requires a modern, digital experience, one that offers dependable passenger Wi-Fi with seamless onboarding, wayfinding services and reliable applications. Cisco is equipping airports to meet the demands of passengers with a secure, reliable, and intelligent network that enables airports to efficiently deliver relevant information to passengers. One way this is achieved is through Cisco’s partnership with Wipro. 

Airport Digital Signage

Cisco and Wipro are delivering the future of digital signage to airports with Wipro’s cloud-based dynamic digital signage solution, VisionEDGE. With VisionEDGE, every pixel on every screen is centrally managed on premise or in the cloud, which brings more content to screens and more engagement with travelers.

Here is how VisionEDGE is leveraged to entertain and assist travelers from the time they enter the airport to when they board their flight and how its technology is driving new revenue streams for airports around the globe:

Interactive Wayfinding

With numerous airlines, multiple terminals, trains, and more, getting to a gate can be a long and arduous process. Interactive touch screens provide travelers with the opportunity to navigate the airport on their own. For passengers in a rush, this allows them to get to their gate as efficiently as possible. Targeted messaging for promotions can be included on the kiosk screens to drive value-adding engagement and behavior.

Promote Nearest Airport Concessions and Wait Times

Everyone has experienced a tight flight connection paired with the need to grab a bite. Show travelers where to find the nearest restaurants and bars while updating content in real time to deliver relevant and contextual information like coffee locations in the morning and restaurants in the evening. Integrated WaitTime technology lets them know if they have time to get their food before boarding.

Biometric Facial Recognition Boarding

Check-in and security are always the most common friction points in the airport experience. Dynamic content on screens can pair with biometric facial recognition boarding pass technology to greet and direct travelers as they enter the airport creating an efficient check-in and security experience.

Advertising Capabilities

In addition to enhancing the traveler experience, VisionEDGE creates immense revenue opportunities for airports by allowing non-endemic advertisers to access the passenger audience. This allows airport operators to extend offerings beyond designated advertising billboards by adding advertising wraps around Flight ID boards or restaurant TVs, for example.

VisionEDGE’s centralized management system enables airports to deploy advertising in real time, providing a dynamic platform for strategic decision-making. This capability not only adds significant value by ensuring timely and relevant content but also facilitates targeted messaging, optimizing engagement and ultimately driving increased revenue for airports through more effective advertising.

Wipro VisionEDGE

The Airport of the Future

An airport is no longer just a stop on the way from point A to point B. It is a destination that comes with expectations. As air travel volume continues to grow, airports are modernizing to provide travelers with a more positive and safer journey. These goals require technology that can boost agility and enable a constant flow of valuable information to the right people and places at the right times.

Cisco understands this and has collaborated with our partner ecosystem to help deliver such outcomes. Our tested designs and solutions can help you incorporate technology into your infrastructure to deliver a frictionless traveler journey, maintain safety and security, all while driving incremental revenue streams.

More Resources

Cisco Portfolio Explorer for Transportation

Smart & Seamless Airports

Why Cisco for Airports?

The Future of Airport: Coffee & Conversations Podcast

Wipro Expands Sports, Entertainment, Retail and Transportation offerings with launch of Wipro VisionEDGE solution


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